
Hi , I'm italian As Roma's supporter , and by good Italian, my english is very horrible!

My name is Manuel e I'm 24 years...

ehm , I Hope my presentation is enough! :mrgreen:

If you want , You can ask me whatever you want!

I'll be happy to answer!

Forza Roma! :Ok:
Uauel Srd napsal:
Hi , I'm italian As Roma's supporter , and by good Italian, my english is very horrible!

My name is Manuel e I'm 24 years...

ehm , I Hope my presentation is enough! :mrgreen:

If you want , You can ask me whatever you want!

I'll be happy to answer!

Forza Roma! :Ok:
ma chi sei te? ma chi ti conosce?

bella Manu e WELCOME!
SUSIsr napsal:
Uauel Srd napsal:
Hi , I'm italian As Roma's supporter , and by good Italian, my english is very horrible!

My name is Manuel e I'm 24 years...

ehm , I Hope my presentation is enough! :mrgreen:

If you want , You can ask me whatever you want!

I'll be happy to answer!

Forza Roma! :Ok:
ma chi sei te? ma chi ti conosce?

bella Manu e WELCOME!

ce l'hai piccola la firma , te! :mrgreen:
Uauel Srd napsal:
SUSIsr napsal:
Uauel Srd napsal:
Hi , I'm italian As Roma's supporter , and by good Italian, my english is very horrible!

My name is Manuel e I'm 24 years...

ehm , I Hope my presentation is enough! :mrgreen:

If you want , You can ask me whatever you want!

I'll be happy to answer!

Forza Roma! :Ok:
ma chi sei te? ma chi ti conosce?

bella Manu e WELCOME!

ce l'hai piccola la firma , te! :mrgreen:
c' ho molto da di' io.. :lol:
Uauel Srd napsal:
Hi , I'm italian As Roma's supporter , and by good Italian, my english is very horrible!

My name is Manuel e I'm 24 years...

ehm , I Hope my presentation is enough! :mrgreen:

If you want , You can ask me whatever you want!

I'll be happy to answer!

Forza Roma! :Ok:

bella Manu!



...or better, welcome! :mrgreen:

(vedi che sono rincojonito... pensavo di aver giá risposto... ho cliccato "preview" al posto di "submit" e non ho mandato niente :lol: troppo emozinato :oops: )

Pro Čechy: koukejte ho hezky přivítat vy bídáci :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
A Manu, daje fatte un giro qua :arrow: http://www.asromaforum.eu/viewforum.php?f=19

:slin: :slin: :slin:
